“Nick Synko’s session was thought-provoking and engaging surrounded by a backdrop of spirituality. The concepts presented continue to challenge me today as I discover more about my dreams and the dreams of those most dearest to me.”
— Elizabeth Herness Peters
The Careers Through Faith ministry offers professionally-led programs designed to start participants on their journey to integrate their career, faith and life and learn practical “street smart” skills to compete in today’s challenging employment marketplace. These programs take place in various churches or the CTF Training Center in Ann Arbor, MI. These programs strive to move participants from “What’s next?” to “What’s BEST?”
The One-Hour Presentation by Nick Synko. This presentation helps participants begin the process of self-discovery and to acknowledge their faith as an important part of career decisions. This new awareness challenges participants to take a fresh look at their career choices from a far more mature standpoint, which leads to an awareness that viable alternative careers are indeed possible. As a result of this singular workshop we find inspiration often turns into action and a complete reassessment of career and life decisions from a faith-based perspective.
Individual Coaching is available for those whose career situation requires more one-to-one attention, candid insight, feedback, direction and accountability from a professional career coach. We find there are questions and decisions that are inappropriate for a classroom setting and best served in a more private meeting.
Online Resources a FREE website called TheJobDog.com offers 33 Tips with a variety of text instructions, audio presentation and templates to help people in a job search.
For further information contact our Program Director:
Cathy Synko at 734.332.8800 x 228 or csynko@CareersThroughFaith.org